Nantucket Light Ship Basket Purse

The Basket Purse shown here is 7" high, 6 3/4" back-to-front and 8 1/2 inches wide, not including the handle.
It takes about six  months to deliver this. It is totally handmade from split oak staves, new england cane with cherry wood baae.  The scrimshw is custom to your desires on Mammoth tusk. The displayed model scrimshaw element measures  .

Please contact the Chief for other dimension sizes and desired scrimshaw art. He also will provide ordering instructions and payment options.

Nantucket Light Ship Basket Purses get their name from their craftsmen.  Where a constant light source is necessary on the seas and no lighthouse is possible, ships are stationed at anchor to provide that light..  Sailors began making these purses to take advantage of the time on their hands.

It is a romantic history, and there are very few of the artists still active.It's not uncommon for other artists to charge from $3,000 to $4,000 for a purse, so Chief  Meadows' purse is the most-affordable, authentic Nanticket Light ShipBasket Purse to be found.

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for the purse shown, which is owned by the Chief's mom. after coming to terms with The Chief, you may use the following PayPal link
The scrimshw element is 4 1/4" x 2 5/16, not including the base.About 1 inch on all sides is added by the base.
Scrimshaw Deck
Home Port
Check with Chief for price